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Using YouTube Advertising as A Powerful Performance Driver |   25 Aug, 2021

YouTube Advertising

Video is an essential tool for businesses to maximize their presence in the digital world and reach consumers across their purchase journey. But some marketers think that it serves only the purpose of brand building.

The fact is that apart from brand building, video is a highly effective performance driver. A study by Google shows that seventy percent of consumers buy from a brand after seeing it on YouTube.

YouTube video ads act as a powerful engine for achieving goals of both brand and performance marketers, which include creating and fulfilling demand.

Below are discussed some YouTube advertising strategies that can help marketers use video for both brand building and driving action.

Make strategic tweaks to creative according to consumer behavior

Marketers should make tweaks to video creative according to changes in consumer behavior. For example, online shopping is gaining prominence among people, so by making small changes to their YouTube campaigns, marketers can effectively adapt to changing consumer behavior and achieve their ecommerce goals.

During the lockdown, when a US-based cosmetics company had to close its physical stores, its marketing team reshaped its strategy to focus on bringing consumers to its ecommerce website. The cosmetics brand repurposed its existing video creative by including a call to action. It then ran a TrueView for action campaign by using the modified creative. The video ad prompted people to click on the attractive offer. This simple tweak to the video creative helped the brand to effectively achieve its conversion goals.

Create YouTube video ads that match consumers’ interests and intent

In order to form a meaningful and deeper connection with consumers, ad content should reflect their preferences, intent and interests. An American security solutions company achieved highly impressive results by customizing messages according to audiences. The company’s marketing research team identified certain audience segments that were more interested in security solutions in comparison to others. To target these audiences, the security brand used video ad sequencing and delivered action-oriented tailored messages. The brand witnessed significant lifts in favorability, consideration and conversion rate.

Serve ads that meet consumer demand

By considering the trending searches on Google and YouTube related to its products, a brand can create ads that meet consumer needs. An online education courses provider took note of the search queries trending on YouTube related to its course offerings. It served action-oriented YouTube video ads related to the searches, for example, to those searching for gardening tips, a gardening course ad with a call to action was served. This approach not only drove brand awareness, but also action. The education brand saw a significant increase in website traffic and course sign-ups.

By using the above approaches, marketers can boost the impact of their YouTube advertising campaigns and effectively achieve both brand building and performance goals.

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