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How does 5G impact digital advertising?

PUBLISH DATE: 30 June 2022

5G was expected to revolutionize the mobile and digital industries nine months ago. Depending on whoever you ask, 5G could either be a significant windfall for digital media or the most recent in a long line of technological advancements that were prematurely touted (VR anyone?).

There is a lot about its deployment that will make marketers and advertising drool. But it must actually show up in order for it to live up to the expectations. Here are the ways that 5G will likely impact advertising as a whole once that occurs.

Mobile data is transmitted through the 5G network, which lacks established definitions, technical standards, and specifications. However, it is generally acknowledged that 5G will significantly speed up mobile device data uploads and downloads. We’re talking about a 3-hour movie downloading quickly over your wireless network. Because 5G operates 1,000 times quicker and with 100 times less lag than 4G, it will open up a wider range of possibilities.

A faster loading speed

The quicker data loads offered by 5G are appealing to advertisers. Recall how desktop digital media consumption was powered by broadband Internet, which in turn increased potential for digital advertising? More websites, apps, games, and other information may be seen thanks to faster speeds. There will therefore be additional chances for mobile device advertising. Consider how many more people will use their mobile devices if material is delivered to them more quickly.

Enhanced Ad Experiences

On mobile devices, there is a lot of room for improvement in ad quality and delivery, which would enhance the user experience. Lag and latency issues with mobile advertising have long affected the split-second loading of a page’s content and intended ads. Slower load times deny advertisers the chance to engage with the appropriate customer at the right time in an era where people are continuously scrolling.VR, AI, and IoT are expected to improve with 5G. It is anticipated to change how customers engage with augmented reality. To give users a compelling and engaging experience, data must be displayed in real-time.

Detailed location information

Location services will be improved through faster data rates, expanded geo-capabilities, and better sensors. There is plenty of space for growth even though the site has significantly improved in recent years. The capacity for advertisers to source and simultaneously distribute location-based data to millions of devices is improved.